NOOSY nano sim adapter conver your iPhone 5 nano sim to micro sim and normal sim card
NOOSY nano sim adapter conver your iPhone 5 nano sim to micro sim and normal sim card - NOOSY nano sim adapter convert your iPhone 5 nano sim to micro sim and normal sim. 1, covert your iPhone 5 nano sim to micro sim card 2, convert your iPhone 5 nano sim to normal sim card 3, convert your micro sim to normal sim card.
1.The working life can arrive thousands times but no broken and distortion
2. Carved by precision molds, the accurate size won't make the nano sim drop from the adapter.
3. Matching all mobile devices.
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Vodafone Nano-SIM Vorstellung Apple iPhone 5
Vodafone Nano-SIM Vorstellung Apple iPhone 5 - In diesem Video stellen wir Euch die neue Vodafone Nano-SIM vor. Jetzt bräuchte Vodafone nur noch Seriöse Tarife,dann wäre alles in Butter.Dei Kunden mit 200mb Abspeisen,und dann heulen,dass das iPhone5 eure genutzten LTE Frequenzen nicht supported.Wirklich schade das man heutztage noch Provdier braucht.Wird Zeit für einen ordentlichen Sprung in der Wissenschaft.
Ich werde mir die Karte heute noch zuschneiden. Habe SIMYO und genau der kleine Chip srin ist. Nehme die Meßlehre und mache es nach Muster.
Micro Sim Karte zur Nano Sim Karte schneiden für iphone 5 - Nano Sim Karte selber machen
Micro Sim Karte zur Nano Sim Karte schneiden für iphone 5 - Nano Sim Karte selber machen .Die Info in diesem Video ist leider FALSCH, man kann eine Nano Sim Karte selber schneiden und in diesem Video wird es gezeigt .
also ich hab echt viel zu dem thema gelesen und es scheint wohl nicht so leicht zu sein das mit der dicke der karte richtig hinzubekommen...ich werds zum spaß wohl auch mal versuchen, aber die elegantere lösung ist halt sich einfach die nano sim und den adapter zu kaufen :)
Sicherlich kann man das.. Wenn man etwas Werkzeug besitzt und ein wenig geschickt ist.. Lasst euch nicht verunsichern.. Mobile Anbieter wollen Geld sehen. So einfach werden die kaum wo anders 15-20Euro pro Kunde verdienen!
1.Auf die passende Größe zuschneiden(Papierschere bitte gleich vergessen)
2.Mit Schleifpapier, Schleifblock, Dremmel oder was weiß ich auf die passende Dicke abschleifen
3.Mit Iphone 5 rumspielen
NOOSY nano sim adpater for iPhone 5 nano sim card
NOOSY nano sim adpater for iPhone 5 nano sim card - This video is taken by NOOSY in China regarding the latest product noosy iPhone 5 nano sim adapter, it shows you what is the nano sim adapter, and how to use it on your iPhone 5 nano sim card. Use the noosy nano sim adapter, you can convert your iPhone 5 nano sim card to micro sim card and standard normal sim card, High quality, after stored the nano sim, no drop off. and more information for you here:
How to cut a regular SIM card to nano-SIM size (Tested & working with iPhone 5)
How to cut a regular SIM card to nano-SIM size (Tested & working with iPhone 5) - Please note that any cutting of your SIM is done at your own risk, and while we don't expect any problems (our one works fine) we can't take responsibility for any damage you might do to your SIM or handset.
I was able to trim mine with scissors, a little at a time, and used a micrometer to measure it. The final trim was done with the sand-paper. My sim did need to have the contacts cut into to get it down to size. I then thinned it out by sanding it on a flat surface. You can actually start to see the insides of the chip when the plastic is getting thin. Stop before you get to it. I stopped at .70mm and it fit the sim tray fine. It works perfectly. My carrier doesn't support iPhone, so no choice.
This video is for demonstration only, we can not guarantee the functionality and data lost my be possible. As well is not yet confirm if a resized micro sim can fit into the new nano sim tray. Use at your own risk!Yes, looks like the nano sim is thinner by 15% compare than the micro sim, but we still not sure if a resized sim can fit in nano sim tray or not. We are waiting to put our hands on to the new device soon and test it.
iPhone 5: How To Convert Micro SIM Card into Nano SIM Card
iPhone 5: How To Convert Micro SIM Card into Nano SIM Card - A tutorial on how to cut your Micro Sim card into a Nano Sim card.
If the metal pice on your micro sim is bigger than the nano sim just look at my video
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