How to cut a regular SIM card to nano-SIM size (Tested & working with iPhone 5) - Please note that any cutting of your SIM is done at your own risk, and while we don't expect any problems (our one works fine) we can't take responsibility for any damage you might do to your SIM or handset.
I was able to trim mine with scissors, a little at a time, and used a micrometer to measure it. The final trim was done with the sand-paper. My sim did need to have the contacts cut into to get it down to size. I then thinned it out by sanding it on a flat surface. You can actually start to see the insides of the chip when the plastic is getting thin. Stop before you get to it. I stopped at .70mm and it fit the sim tray fine. It works perfectly. My carrier doesn't support iPhone, so no choice.
This video is for demonstration only, we can not guarantee the functionality and data lost my be possible. As well is not yet confirm if a resized micro sim can fit into the new nano sim tray. Use at your own risk!Yes, looks like the nano sim is thinner by 15% compare than the micro sim, but we still not sure if a resized sim can fit in nano sim tray or not. We are waiting to put our hands on to the new device soon and test it.